You have been absolutely fantastic Lizz…
Thank you!Carla and Peter,
Dining guests

It was wonderful having Lizz Lipscombe play at our open weekend for our Keble Court retirement apartments.
Rebecca Parker,

Hi Lizz,
Thanks for you email, I’m glad you enjoyed being part of our day – all of our guests commented on how great you were, some even posted about you on Facebook! I’m gutted I missed you before I arrived, glad I have a video coming!
Thank you for a wonderful performance and making the wedding even more enjoyable for our guests. Please do add me to the mailing lists! Would be great to see you, and yes Magic Changes was really amazing – I even said “tune” under my breath which will be on the video I’m sure!!!!
And yes of course please feel free to use photos from our day.
Thanks again 🙂Kind Regards,
Luan Barnes – Bride

Hi Lizz,
I did hear you play as I sat upstairs waiting and felt a sense of calmness come over me, so thank you.
Everyone said how wonderful they thought you were and were happy that I decided to go with live music
(even though that was always my plan)! Thank you so very much you were brilliant.
Thanks so much again for everything
Love from Sarah xx

Dear Lizz,
Richard and I as well as the two Andys would like to thank you very much indeed for your splendid performance at our Charity Dinner on Friday evening. You really helped to make the evening a very special one.
Best wishes
PaddyCouncillor Mrs Paddy Allen
The Mayor, Amesbury Town Council