Hi there!
I’ve been meaning to e-mail you in AGES and I’m so sorry I haven’t done so sooner. I wanted to thank you so much for playing at our wedding and for being so lovely and accommodating with all my tune choices! Of all the feedback we’ve had about our wedding and elements of it, most comments have been about you and how amazingly you played! For me too, the violin music was one of my best memories and in particular walking into the chapel to Per Una Cabeza. I was so impressed and amazed how tirelessly you played (I didn’t see you take a break once!) and the pieces played were perfect.
Thanks again!
Anika x
I’ve been meaning to e-mail you in AGES and I’m so sorry I haven’t done so sooner. I wanted to thank you so much for playing at our wedding and for being so lovely and accommodating with all my tune choices! Of all the feedback we’ve had about our wedding and elements of it, most comments have been about you and how amazingly you played! For me too, the violin music was one of my best memories and in particular walking into the chapel to Per Una Cabeza. I was so impressed and amazed how tirelessly you played (I didn’t see you take a break once!) and the pieces played were perfect.
Thanks again!
Anika x