Thank you very much! And thank you so much for playing us up the aisle and beyond, it was very lovely. You play so beautifully 🙂
Of course you can use pics on your blog and yes please add us to your mailing list.
Best wishes,
Rachel and Handy xx
Hi Liz – sorry to hijack this thread so please delete once you'cve seen this 🙂
Hi Lizz, malcolm Shipp suggested you as a vilini player… The Invitation Theatre Company is performing "War of The Worlds" (Jeff Wayne) in Devizes Nov 15th-19th and are seeking vilionists and viola players. its a paid gig – if you are interested in more information, Jemma Brown – included in this conversation – can tell you more. If you are unable to join us, if you know of any friends that are violinists and vioala players please pass this along – many thanks ?